Crysis 2 Crack Failed To Initialize The Gamestartup Interface

I've downloaded the Crysis 2 demo through Stream, but when I try to run it I immediately get the error message

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Crysis 2 Crack Failed To Initialize The Gamestartup Interface

Failed to initialize the GameStartup Interface!

Crysis 2 Crack Failed To Initialize The Gamestartup Interface Module

and nothing happens after clicking the 'OK' button. What causes this problem, and how can I fix it?

System specifications:

InterfaceCrysis 2 Crack Failed To Initialize The Gamestartup Interface
  • Windows 7 64bit.
  • Nvidia Geforce 250 GTS, with latest drivers.
  • All other PC stats also matching or exceeding minimum requirements as specified in the Steam Store page.

This kind of error can sometimes be solved when you verify the game fragmentation, through the game options.

Crysis 2 Crack Failed To Initialize The Gamestartup Interface Using

Game fragmentation usually happens when you download too many games at once through Steam, or when a game is being downloaded by too many people at once.


It can also be caused by running a process which does a lot of disk access.

Crysis 2 crack failed to initialize the gamestartup interface warface
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