Fruity Tracks 2.04

8 December 2020, 2:04 am 3-min read Railway tracks and highways were blocked across India as farmers launched a national day of action Tuesday against reforms deregulating the agriculture sector, upping the stakes after 10 days blockading the capital. Fruity Tracks 2.04. Singomakers are happy to present this brilliant collection of FL Studio Track Templates. 6 ready to go, royalty free FULL tracks in genres of.

Soundtrack Information

Varese Sarabande (302 066 856 2)

Release Date:June 12, 2001

Conducted by Gavin Greenaway

Performed by
The Hollywood Studio Symphony

Formats: CD, Digital

Music By

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Track Listing

1.The Meteor2.Cells Divide

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3.In The Hall By The Pool4.The Army Arrives

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5.<i>The</i> Ira Kane?6.Fruit Basket For Russell Woodman

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7.The Water Hazard8.Burgled

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9.The Forest10.The Cave Waltz

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11.Blue Fly12.Cutie Pie

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13.Animal Attack14.Dino Valley

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15.The Mall Chase16.Monitors Out

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17.Room For One More18.Fire

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19.Selenium20.The Fire Truck

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21.The Amoeba Emerges22.To Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

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23.Our HeroesTotal Album Time:40:02

Related Albums

  • Varese Sarabande - 25th Anniversary Celebration - Volume IILimited Edition
    Varese Sarabande Club (VCL 0703 1021)

    Released: July 29, 2003

    Format: CD (306 min)

  • The Film Music of John PowellPromotional Release

    Released: 2001

    Format: CD (55 min)

Music Used in Trailers

Fruity Tracks 2.04
  • Theatrical Trailer
  • Peter Pan (2003) - John Powell
  • Teaser Trailer
  • Sahara (2005) - John Powell
  • TV Spots
  • Evolution (2001) - John Powell

Review: Evolution

Evolution was supposed to be Ivan Reitman's big 'comeback' film. After the disastrous Six Days Seven Nights and the even more disastrous Father's Day, Reitman really needed a hit. Evolution is best described as Ghostbusters meets Men in Black. When a meteor crashes in Arizona, geologist Dr. Harry Block (Orlando Jones) and ex-military scientist-turned biology professor Dr. Ira Kane (David Duchovney) go investigate. An alien infestation quickly begins to take over the town as alien primordial ooze evolves at an alarmingly fast rate. With lots of humor intermingled with sci-fi action, the music needed to play both ends of the spectrum. Enter composer John Powell, who had recently worked on Shrek.


Powell's score to Evolution has a few major themes. The first is the twangy guitar-heavy theme that, along with playful string work and upbeat percussion, plays off the humor and wackiness prevalent in the first act of the film and is found in such cues as 'In The Hall By The Pool', 'The Army Arrives', and 'Burgled'. When the military shows up and takes over, we encounter a more heroic march, as heard in 'The Ira Kane?', and my favorite cue, 'The Fire Truck'. There is, of course, the love interest - played by Julianne Moore. She gets a more contemporary, softer theme heard in 'Room For One More'.

'The Forest' is a cue filled with lots of harps and chimes and flirting woodwinds that evoke a sense of fantastical wonder. But it quickly turns into whimsy as the comedy starts playing out. There are a lot of action cues on this album. Powell doesn't hold back, and in a few musical cues that remind me a bit of Chicken Run crossed with Men in Black ('The Mall Chase', 'The Fire Truck'), he lets it rip. 'The Cave Waltz' is a delightful, well, waltz; 'Monitors Out' and 'Fire' are tense and creepy cues.

Fruity Tracks 2.04

Powell's score was an AFM union recording, and it's noteworthy that as part of a new arrangement, it's a bit cheaper to release more of the score. One of the stipulations was that all of the members of the orchestra be listed in the liner notes. Finally we can see who these people are that have been delivering these wonderful performances! (And we even get more than 30-minutes of score to boot!) While parts of it sound a bit familiar stylistically to other scores we have heard in the past, Powell's score to Evolution has been playing consistently in my CD player - and that's certainly a testament to its enjoyment!

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Waves 11 Full Bundle (Win)

Fruity Tracks 2.04 Key

January 10, 2020EffectsMasteringMasteringMixingVocalsVSTWindows31
  • Waves 11 Full Bundle (Mercury, SSL, Abbey Road, MultiRack and +)
  • Waves
  • 2020-Jan
  • 64-bit
  • Windows 8 and 10
  • Online Installer

Fruity Tracks 2.04 Music

  1. for mac please

    • Yes please

    • Shut up wait… and be grateful

      • @bob


        • 32bit

    • For Mac please…

    • tenho pra mac aqui amigo

  2. Thanks

  3. Bon travail. A quand Pro tools pour MAC

  4. thanks a lot

  5. so beauty

  6. great I hope it will work good?

  7. GRACIAS Excelente Aporte Felicitaciones Muuuuyyyy Buenos Sus Productos

    • Hola, Incluye Ovox Vocal?

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  9. Maaaan , i know this will sound as gayest as fuck but .. I FUCKING LOVE YOU MAN

    • That isn’t gay though. I love this man too (no homo). He puts out great cracks.

    btw. UR GREAT GUYS!

  11. Works perfectly!

    Installing Waves Plug-Ins in >Ableton< can be a tough thing on it's own, so I'd recommend following these instructions to get them into the DAW (I tried to do it on my own and made a mistake that made most Plug-Ins appear as a black screen, so just do it this way to avoid problems, happy producing! :3 )

  12. Thank you!!

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  15. For mac

  16. thank you, you are so helpful vrooh!

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