This cheat for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy PC has been posted at 02 Aug 2007 by LucarioRules and is called 'Enable Cheats!!!!!' The Cheat have a rating 1 by 1 our users and has been commented 1 times. If cheat is usable don't forgot thumbs up LucarioRules and share this with your freinds. Search for more answers for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy or ask your own question here. Add your answer. Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. These are not usually tested by us (because there. First, bring down the cheat window by pressing SHIFT + then enter 'devmapall' to enable cheats. Then enter 'noclip' while on the SECOND Korriban level. If you beat the game on Dark Side, then you know the part at the end where you're standing in the Star Destroyer's bridge. Enter 'noclip' then fly into Ragnos' tomb. There are two types of cheats, SINGLE PLAYER, and MULTI-PLAYER. Note that some of these may not work if you have later versions of Jedi Academy. Note that many of the cheats are not listed, only the important ones. These will be listed in alphabetical order.
FAQs & Walkthroughs

Jedi knight: jedi academy cheats, cheat codes & hints

Cheat Codes
To enable cheats, while playing a game, bring down the console with [Shift + ~] and type: 'devmapall'. You can then enter any of the following codes in the console:
Code | Result |
god | God Mode |
noclip | No Clipping Mode |
notarget | Enemies Ignore You |
kill | Kill Yourself |
give all | All Weapons and Health/Armor at Max |
give health | Health at 100% |
give armor | Armor at 100% |
give ammo | Ammo at 100% |
npc kill all | Kill All Non-Player Characters |
undying | Dead Mode |
npc spawn [name] | Spawn NPC (See List) |
npc spawn vehicle [name] | Spawn Vehicle (See List) |
Use the following cheat commands in the console (after enabling cheat mode) to manipulate Jedi Force powers:
setForceJump (level) (1 - 3)
setForceHeal (level) (1 - 3)
setForcePush (level) (1 - 3)
setForcePull (level) (1 - 3)
setForceSpeed (level) (1 - 3)
setForceGrip (level) (1 - 3)
setForceLightning (level) (1 - 3)
setForceAll (level) (1 - 3) - Sets Force Level of All Abilities
setSaberThrow (level) (1 - 3)
setSaberOffense (level) (1 - 3)
setSaberDefense (level) (1 - 3)
NPC List:
Use one of the following entries with the 'npc spawn' code.
Vehicle List:
Use one of the following entries with the 'npc spawn vehicle' code.
- Cheats |
- Unlockables |
- Hints |
- Easter Eggs |
- Glitches |
- Guides |
Get the latest Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.
Re-do Levels
This isn't exactly a cheat, but it requirescheats to work. I'm not sure what cheatsexactly, just use god, undying, give all, andspawn a few things all during one of the missionsthat you can choose, like Tatooine, or NarKreeta, NOT one of the Hoth, Vjun, Taspir, Yavin,or Korriban missions. Let's say you have justdone both of the Tatooine missions. Use all thecheats listed above, then some more for goodmeasure, then, on the third or fourth mission,let's say Bakura, quick save, exit out of thegame, (maybe turn off the computer, I'm not sure,but you have to exit the game), log back in, loadthe quick save, and finish the mission. If youdid it right, then you should have the Tatooinemissions back. The one you just finished,however, won't come back. I reccomend doing theTram missions again. It's one of the best.
Defeating Foes: The Easy Way
Make sure to ALWAYS take the Tenloss DisruptorRifle with you. If you know of an enemy somewherein the distance, you can often zoom in andheadshot them before they noticed you.This is especially handy in some areas where thereare Dark Jedi and deep chasms.. *wink*
Sand Burrower Slaughter
On Blenjeel, your primary foe is the SandBurrower. By all appearances, they can't bekilled. I have found a way to do just that.It's easy enough. Just get a Sand Burrower toeat two Thermal Detonators. The second one willkill it. There are at least 15 Burrowers there,and there are at least three packs of TDs layingaround.
Kung Fu Fighting
Press shift and ~ at the same time then type devmapall, press space and type'll get all force powers level 3 and use kung fu.
Jedi Academy Cheats Steam
Secret Star Destroyer
This requires the 'noclip' cheat to work. First,bring down the cheat window by pressing SHIFT + ~then enter 'devmapall' to enable cheats. Thenenter 'noclip' while on the SECOND Korribanlevel. If you beat the game on Dark Side, thenyou know the part at the end where you'restanding in the Star Destroyer's bridge.Enter 'noclip' then fly into Ragnos' tomb. Whenyou reach the giant bridge and lava chamber, goto the middle of the bridge, then, if theentrance is BEHIND you, fly through the leftwall. Look around awhile and you should see whatlooks like a cube with stars and the StarDestroyer's bridge in it. Fly into the cube-thing. You can take noclip off and stand onthe 'space' or mess around in the ship. It'sactually pretty cool.
Changing Saber Colors
First thing you have to know is the 'npc spawn' code. Bring up the cheat menuwith SHIFT + ~ then enter 'devmapall', then type in 'npc spawn (npc name)'. Forthose of you who don't know, a NPC is any character not you. I've divided thenames into categories. Enter the code on the left EXACTLY as you see it. The NPCshould spawn in front of your crosshairs.
New Pets
When using NPC spawn, type one of the following for burowers rancor or mutated rancorNOTE:When using these creaturs remember they are aggressive to all.
Set Force Power Value To Full
During the game, press ctrl and '~' to bring upgame server screen, type in 'devmapall' andthen 'setforceall 3'. This will set all of yourforce power to full; i.e.; 3.Then press ctrl and '~' to return to game.
NPC Names
Dropped Lightsabers
Enable the 'g_saberpickupabledroppedsabers 1' code to enable the pick up ofdropped lightsabers. After a Jedi or Sith dies, you can walk up to his/herlightsaber on the floor. You will see a 'Use' icon (hand with a finger on abutton). Use it, and you will drop your current lightsaber and pick up his orhers. Note: If you have a saberstaff, you will drop your staff and pick up thesaber, giving you a total of one saber. If you have one saber, you will pick uphis saber which gives you a total of two sabers. If you have two sabers, you willdrop the one in your left hand and replace it with his. If you have no saber(none in your weapons/inventory), you will pick up and end up with only one saber(until you pick up another one). If you have any type of saber (one, dual orstaff), and you pick up a saber staff, you will drop any/all your sabers and pickup his.
Jedi Academy Multiplayer Cheats
Fighting Friendly Characters
Enable the 'playerteam enemy' code in the console, then spawn 'kyle'or 'jedi_random' to fight them.
Jedi Academy Books
All Cheats

To enable cheats during the gamepress Shift + ~ and type devmapall. Now you can enter any of the codes below:
We have no unlockables for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no easter eggs for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no guides or FAQs for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no achievements or trophies for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.