Sfb File

  • Sceneform SDK for Android was open sourced and archived (github.com/google-ar/sceneform-android-sdk) with version 1.16.0.
  • This site (developers.google.com/sceneform) serves as the documentation archive for the previous version, Sceneform SDK for Android 1.15.0.
  • Do not use version 1.17.0 of the Sceneform Maven artifacts.
  • The 1.17.1 Maven artifacts can be used. Other than the version, however, the 1.17.1 artifacts are identical to the 1.15.0 artifacts.

In Skype for Business, click the down arrow next to the gear icon, select File, and then Sign Out. Click Delete my sign-in info. If the issue persists, continue to remove the cache. Step 2: Remove Skype for Business cache. Exit Skype for Business. For example, click the down arrow next to the gear icon, select File, and then Exit. Once you run the prepare AD step you will create the Sfb related AD groups. Part 3 describes deploying Skype file store. In short, these groups need full permission. The File Hider is used to hide files in windows. It uses super hide method of windows and it can open the files which is hidden by virus programs. It uses super hide method of windows and it can open the files which is hidden by virus programs.

Learn how to import 3D models, convert them into Sceneform format, and previewthem in Android Studio.

Note: To import and work with 3D models in Sceneform, ensure you have installed the Google Sceneform Tools (Beta) plugin.

Import a new 3D asset

Sceneform supports 3D assets in the following formats:

  • OBJ
  • glTF (animations not supported)
  • FBX, with or without animations.

Follow these steps to import a new 3D asset:

  1. Verify that your project's app folder contains a sampledata folder.

    To create the folder, right-click on the app folder in the Projectwindow, then select New > Sample Data Directory.

    The sampledata folder is part of your Android Studio project, but itscontents will not be included in your APK.

  2. Copy your 3D model source asset file (*.obj, *.fbx, or *.gltf), andall of its dependencies (*.mtl, *.bin, *.png, *.jpg, etc.)into the sampledata folder.

    Do not copy these source files into your project's assets or res folder,as this will cause them to be included in your APK unnecessarily.

  3. Right click the 3D model source asset and select Import Sceneform Assetto begin the import process.

    The values are used by the sceneform.asset() entry in the app'sbuild.gradle, and determine where the *.sfa and *.sfb files will begenerated in your project.

    If you're importing a model for the first time, use the default values.

    Source Asset PathFilename of the OBJ, FBX, or glTF 3D model asset to import.
    Material Pathdefault tells Sceneform's to use the built-in default material or the path to a custom material*.mat file.
    .sfa Output PathUse the default, or specify another path under the sampledata folder.

    The .sfa file is generated if missing. It can be modified to control some aspects of the import process.

    This ensures that *.sfa isn't included in your APK unncessarily.

    .sfb Output PathBy default the src/main/assets/ folder is used, which allows the use of arbitrary asset filenames.

    If the filename (without file extension) is a valid resource identifier (e.g. R.raw.filename), then you can instead use the src/main/res/raw/ folder if you prefer.

    See Android's App resources overview for more on using the assets/ and res/ folders in your app.

    Animation Files

    If you are importing *.fbx animation files, click the plus sign (+) and add the rest of the files individually.

  4. Click Finish to begin the import process.

To import your asset, the plugin does the following:

  1. Adds the Sceneform gradle plugin to your project'sbuild.gradle if itdoesn't already exist:

  2. Updates your app'sbuild.gradle file to include an apply pluginline, and a sceneform.asset() entry for the newly imported asset:

    These new entries in the app'sbuild.gradle create two gradle tasks:

    • createAsset-<asset-name> creates a Sceneform asset definition(*.sfa) file if it does not yet exist.

      This task will not overwrite an existing *.sfa file, which means anymodifications you make to the SFA file after import won't beoverwritten.

      The *.sfa file is a text file that contains a complete, human-readabledescription of the asset's import settings. It references the models andtextures in your source asset, and also defines materials by providingmaterial parameters for Sceneform's physically based materials.

    • compileAsset-<asset-name> compiles the *.sfa file into a Sceneformbinary asset (*.sfb) file.

      This *.sfb file gets built into your app's APK and is loaded atruntime to create the renderable.

    For more information, see theSceneform Gradle Plugin reference.

  3. Opens the *.sfa in a text window and the *.sfb in a Viewer window.

Update a previously imported 3D asset

When you update a previously imported OBJ, FBX, or glTF model source asset file(*.obj, *.fbx, or *.gltf), the corresponding sceneform.asset() entry inyour app'sbuild.gradle causes the plugin to automatically generate anupdated *.sfb file, based on the current *.sfa parameters.

To iterate on the parameters for an already imported asset:

  • Modify the *.sfa text file, using theSFA file format reference as a guide.
  • Save your changes. This causes the asset to be recompiled and updates the*.sfb file.
  • Preview the updated asset by double-clicking the *.sfb file to open theasset Viewer window.

If you are updating a previously imported asset that includes animation data,import each of the updated *.fbx files individually using the plus (+) signin the Animation Files section of the import dialog.

Gradle asset definitions

The import process adds any *.fbx animation files at the end of thebuild.gradle file.

Create the Renderable

Once the asset is compiled into *.sfb format, you can build aModelRenderableand attach it to a node in the scene as follows:

Sfb File Reader


Using custom materials

Sceneform'sdefault materialsmake it easy for developers to get great lookingresults. You can also usecustom materials to deeplycustomize the way your assets look.

Sfb File Extension

To assign a custom material to your asset:

  1. Create a custom material definition (*.mat) file, using the[Custom Material Reference](/sceneform/develop/custom-materialas a guide.

  2. Apply the custom material to the asset:

    When importing a new asset:

    • Specify the custom material *.mat file during theimport process.

    To update a previously imported asset:

    • If the *.sfa contents have not been customized, delete the existing*.sfa and *.sfb files and the sceneform.asset() entry in theapp'sbuild.gradle, then reimport the asset.This ensures that the regenerated *.sfa attributes and materialparameters will match the ones supported by your custom material.

    • To preserve any *.sfa customizations you've made, open the *.sfafile and change the sourceattribute to the path to your custom material *.mat file, thenmanually adjust the *.sfa attributes and material parameters to matchyour custom material.